Motherhood So White by Nefertiti Austin #ARCReview #BookReview

Posted 2019-10-06 by Crystal in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

by Nefertiti Austin
Published by Sourcebooks Genres: Self Help
Source: netgalley

Motherhood So White, written by Nefertiti Austin, is a memoir about the journey of adopting her son August. The story starts with the all too common scenario of the broken African American household. Both of Nefertiti’s parents were in and out of her life and were never able to give her the unconditional love and stability that she and her brother needed. The siblings soon moved in with their grandparents and were given all the necessities that they needed. Although they were happy with their living situation, Nefertiti still felt insecure. She worried about her parents coming back into their lives and often resented those who questioned or didn’t understand her living situation. She maintained relationships with her parents, all the while remaining with her grandparents. The strong forces that her grandparents were provided her with the foundation that she still lives by to this day. Having an unconventional home life in a way prepared her for Motherhood and the wants and desires she wanted for her own family.
I found it interesting when she talks about the African American community when it comes to adoption. She is correct, the majority of times, children are sent to live with Grandparents. Aunts, Uncles, or other distant relatives. Usually, this is a “temporary” living condition until the parents can get back on their feet. Legal adoption doesn’t come into play, and the caregivers miss out on various programs and benefits that could be beneficial to them. Choosing to adopt is a life-changing decision for anyone. Becoming a Mother is something you learn along the way. When looking for resources to guide her through her new role, it was apparent the parenting books she found weren’t targeted towards women and children of color. This, in turn, inspired her to write this book. It is an excellent book read for women of all nationalities. Reading Motherhood So White will give you insight into other cultures and the challenges that are faced on a daily basis. There were reference materials included at the conclusion of the book, including interviews with other Mothers sharing their adoption stories.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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