I’m Crystal, a wife and a mom who works full-time in the healthcare management industry. I love BOOKS, coffee, wine, and Yacht Rock Radio!

Bookish in Midlife is my second venture into blogging. Years ago, I created a blog to discuss all things Midlife. As with everything, life got in the way, and my blog fell by the wayside. I created Bookish in Midlife to blog about my first love. BOOKS!

As a self-professed bibliophile, I love reading, buying, and collecting books. There is nothing like the smell of a used bookstore, and I enjoy the tranquility that book shopping provides.

Bookish in Midlife will feature reviews of books from the past, present, and beyond. I’ll feature vintage finds, books by my favorite authors, ARCs, books in my ever-growing TBR pile, and random midlife musings. 

My preferred genre is non-fiction. I have eclectic tastes in books and love to feed my mind with various topics. Hopefully, you will find a book that piques your interest.

I look forward to growing this blog, living and learning on this Midlife journey, and meeting bookish people. 

Be sure to follow me on social media, I’d love to connect with you!

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